单词 | Insane automatism |
释义 | 精神錯亂的機械行為 A condition where the accused is suffering from such a disease of the mind as to behave in an automatonic state: Bratty v A-G for North Ireland [1963] AC 386 (HL). An involuntary conduct which brings about the elements of a crime due to a defect of reason arising from a disease of the mind-falls within the M’Naghten Rule (R v M’Naghten (1843) 10 Cl & Fin 200) when the accused does so without any awareness of the act in question, or without any rational control over his actions (R v Burgess [1991] 2 All ER 769, 2 QB 92 (CA)). The accused will be entitled to a verdict of not guilty by reason of insanity in such a situation: Criminal Procedure Ordinance (Cap 221) s 74. The accused will be admitted to the Correctional Services Department Psychiatric Centre or a mental hospital: Criminal Procedure Ordinance (Cap 221) S 76; R v Lam Ka Yiu [1997] HKLRD 445 (CA). See also Automatism; Insanity; Sane automatism. 在此等情況下,被控人因患上精神病,以致作出機械性的行為:Bratty v A-G for North Ireland [1963] AC 386(上議院)。構成罪行元素的非自願行為,此等行為由精神病引起的理性缺陷所致;凡被控人在對其作為沒有意識或任何理性的控制的情況下,作出該項行為(R v Burgess [1991] 2 All ER 769, 2 QB 92(上訴法院)),即屬M’Naghten規則(R v M’Naghten(1843) 10 Cl & Fin 200)所指的情況。在此等情況下,被控人有權獲得因精神錯亂而無罪的裁決:《刑事訴訟程序條例》(第221章)第74條;被控人並會被收納入懲教署精神病治療中心或精神病院:第76條;R v Lam Ka Yiu [1997] HKLRD 445(上訴法院)。另見 Automatism; Insanity; Sane automatism。 |
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