

单词 Cross claim
释义 交相申索
A claim made by a party against a co-party, such as a co-defendant against a defendant, which arises either out of the subject matter of the original action or out of the subject matter of a counterclaim: The Rules of the High Court (Cap 4A) O 16. No cross claim can be made if the initial cause of action was invalid: Re Griggs, ex p Auldana Ltd (1916) 33 WN 83. A cross action can continue to exist even if the original action is not proceeded with: McGowan v Middleton (1883) 11 QBD 464 (CA). Also known as ‘cross action’. See also Counterclaim; Cross appeal; Cross demand; Set-off.
由一方當事人針對另一同案當事人作出的申索,例如共同被告人針對被告人,由原訴訟標的事項或反申索標的事項產生:《高等法院規則》(第4A章)第16條命令。若最初的訴訟因由無效,則不可作出交相申索:Re Griggs, ex p Auldana Ltd (1916) 33 WN 83。即使原訴訟不繼續進行,交相訴訟亦可繼續存在:McGowan v Middleton (1883) 11 QBD 464(英國上訴法院)。另稱「交相訴訟」。另見 Counterclaim; Cross appeal; Cross demand; Set-off。




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