

单词 Expungment of record
释义 紀錄刪除
The process by which a criminal conviction or other sentencing order recorded against a person may be expurgated by operation of law. The conviction or other orders recorded against an accused are to be treated as spent and therefore for some purposes may be considered as non-existent and expunged from his record: Rehabilitation of Offenders Ordinance (Cap 297) s 2(1). A conviction is considered as spent where there has been a three-year crime-free period. See also Conviction.
通過此法律程序,可藉法律的施行刪除某人記錄在案的刑事定罪或其他判刑命令。就被告記錄在案的定罪或其他命令會被視作已喪失時效,因此在為若干目的的情況下,將可被視為不存在,並已從紀錄中刪除:《罪犯自新條例》 (第297章)第2(1)條。如三年沒有犯罪的期限已過,則可視任何定罪為已喪失時效。另見 Conviction。




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