

单词 Notice to set down for trial
释义 排期審訊通知書
A document filed by a party to action in court proceedings notifying the other party that he has begun by writ to set the action down for trial when he or she has done so: The Rules of the High Court (Cap 4A) O 34 r 8(1). It is the duty of all parties to an action entered in any list to furnish without delay to the officer who keeps the list of all available information as to the action being or being likely to be settled, or affecting the estimated length of the trial, and, if the action is settled or withdrawn, to notify that officer of the fact without delay and take such steps as may be necessary to withdraw the record: O 34 r 8(2). Failure to perform this duty may result in solicitors being ordered to pay costs personally: Williamson v British Boxing Board of Control (1929) [1958] 2 All ER 228, 1 WLR 539. Also known as ‘notification of setting down’. See also Praecipe for trial.
指由法律程序中一宗訴訟的一方,當他或她已如此行事,即須通知該宗訴訟的其他各方他或她已藉令狀開展訴訟而提交的文件:《高等法院規則》(第4A章)第34號命令第8(1)條規則。任何登錄在任何審訊表的訴訟的各方,有責任將有關該訴訟正予和解或相當可能達成和解,或影響估計所需審訊時間的所得資料,向備存該審訊表的人員提供,不得拖延,而如該宗訴訟已予和解或撤回,則有責任將上述事實通知該人員,不得拖延,並採取所需步驟將紀錄撤回:第34號命令第8(2)條規則。如無法履行此責任,可導致律師本身被命令繳交訴訟費:Williamson v British Boxing Board of Control (1929) [1958] 2 All ER 228, 1 WLR 539。另稱「關於排期的通知」。另見 Praecipe for trial。




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