

单词 Notice of loss
释义 損失通知
Notice given by the insured to the insurer of loss falling within the terms of the contract of insurance. The assured is usually required by a stipulation in the policy to give notice of any loss. The stipulation in ordinary use requires the notice to be given ‘immediately’ or ‘forthwith’; the effect of this is that the notice must be given within a reasonable time: Wong Wing Tak (t/a Loi Kee Marine Store) v Euro-America Insurance Ltd [1995] 1 HKC 88. In the absence of an express term in the contract, notice of claim must be given to the insurer within reasonable time: Hadenfayre Ltd v British National Insurance Society Ltd [1984] 2 Lloyd’s Rep 393. Except where the stipulation otherwise provides, the notice need not be given by the assured personally (Patton v Employers’ Liability Assurance Corp (1887) 20 LR Ir 93), it may be given by an agent (Davies v National Fire and Marine Insurance Co of New Zealand [1891] AC 485 (PC)) or any person purporting to act on behalf of the assured (Patton v Employers’ Liability Assurance Corp, supra). See also Express term; Statement of loss.
指由受保人向承保人發出的通知書,通知書中指出符合保險合約中的條款範圍內的損失。受保人通常須根據保險單中的指定條款所規定,就任何損失發出通知書。一般使用的指定條款規定受保人須 「立即」 或 「即時」 發出通知書;此舉的影響是通知書須在合理的時間內發出:Wong Wing Tak (t/a Loi Kee Marine Store) v Euro-America Insurance Ltd [1995] 1 HKC 88。在沒有合約內的明訂條款的情況下,申索通知書須在合理的時間內提交予承保人:Hadenfayre Ltd v British National Insurance Society Ltd [1984] 2 Lloyd’s Rep 393。除了指定條款另有規定,受保人不必親身提交通知書(Patton v Employers’ Liability Assurance Corp (1887) 20 LR Ir 93),可由代理人代為提交(Davies v National Fire and Marine Insurance Co of New Zealand [1891] AC 485 (樞密院)) 或宣稱是以受保人名義的任何人提交(Patton v Employers’ Liability Assurance Corp, 見上文)。另見 Express term; Statement of loss。




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