

单词 Relation-back doctrine
释义 追溯原則
An expression of the retrospective operation of bankruptcy. According to the doctrine, bankruptcy starts earlier than the actual date that a debtor or creditor applied for bankruptcy. The bankruptcy is deemed to relate back and to have commenced at the time when the act of bankruptcy on which the bankruptcy order is made was committed, but certain transactions between the commencement of the bankruptcy and the date of the bankruptcy order are protected if entered into without notice of any available act of bankruptcy: Bankruptcy Ordinance (Cap 6) ss 42, 50. The trustee’s title to the bankrupt’s estate relates back to the earliest act of bankruptcy within three months before the petition: ss 6(1)(c), 42. See also Act of bankruptcy; After acquired property; Commencement of bankruptcy; Creditor; Debtor.
破產追溯力運作的詞句。根據此原則,破產開始的日期較債務人或債權人申請破產的實際日期為早。破產被視為追溯至及始於在作出破產令時,已犯有關的破產作為,但如在沒有任何可知的破產作為的通知的情況下訂立交易,若干破產開始和破產令日期之間的交易會得到保障:《破產條例》(第6章)第42至50條。信託人在破產人產業的權權可追溯至在呈請前三個月內的最早的破產作為:第6((1)(c)及42條。另見 Act of bankruptcy; After acquired property; Commencement of bankruptcy; Creditor; Debtor。




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