

单词 Offer of compromise
释义 提出妥協
A document served by one party to a claim on the other party stating the terms on which they would be prepared to settle the claim. The offer may be oral, or in written form (Lam Fung Ying v Ho Tung Sing [1993] 2 HKC 436) or merely indorses on counsel’s brief (Green v Rozen [1995] 2 All ER 797, 1 WLR 741). A notice of payment into court is not of itself, an offer which if accepted could constitute a contract to compromise an action: Gorse v Tinkler (Times, 20 February 1997). See also Costs; Payment into court.
由申索訴訟一方向另一方送達的文件,說明前者願意就申索作出和解的條件。提出妥協可以口頭或書面形式作出(Lam Fung Ying v Ho Tung Sing [1993] 2 HKC 436) 或僅僅在大律師的委託書後批注 (Green v Rozen [1995] 2 All ER 797, 1 WLR 741)。繳存於法院的通知本身不能構成提出妥協,但如被接受則可構成就訴訟作出妥協的合約:Gorse v Tinkler (時報,1997年2月20日)。另見 Costs; Payment into court。




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