

单词 Inter partes injunction
释义 各方之間的強制令
An injunction of which the parties involved would be given prior notice to make representation during the hearing. All applications of injunction must be made inter partes by motions or summons except the case was one of urgency such application may be made ex parte on affidavit: The Rules of the High Court (Cap 4A) O 29 r 1(2). It is distinguished from an ex parte injunction. See also Ex parte; Ex parte injunction.
根據此等強制令,涉案雙方會獲預先通知,須在聆訊中作表述。所有要求授予強制令的申請,必須藉動議或傳票雙方面提出;但如案件屬緊急,此等申請可藉誓章單方面提出:《高等法院規則》(第4A章)第29號命令第1(2)條規則。有別於「單方面強制令」。另見 Ex parte; Ex parte injunction。




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