

单词 Bare expectancy
释义 不付代價的預期
A mere expectation of inheriting land, as distinct from a vested or contingent interest in land. A bare expectancy may arise by reason of a person being the presumptive heir of a landowner, or where a landowner has made a promise to devise land, unsupported by consideration. The landowner is free at any time to make alternative testamentary arrangements. A bare expectancy cannot be protected by law as the donee has no power to compel the donor to devise the land. See also Catching bargain; Contingent interest; Vested interest.
繼承土地的純粹預期,跟土地的既得權益或或有權益不同。可藉一人是土地擁有人的推定繼承人為理由而產生不付代價的預期 ,或因為土地擁有人承諾毫無代價地遺贈土地,也可產生不付代價的預期。有關的土地擁有人可以隨時自由地作出替代的遺囑性質的安排。不付代價的預期並不受法律保障,因為受贈人無權強迫贈與人遺贈土地。另見 Catching bargain; Contingent interest; Vested interest。




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