

单词 Published edition
释义 已發表版本
In copyright law, the typographical arrangement or typography of a work which is not a mere reprint of an earlier typographical arrangement or typography. An edition which is published and which does not reproduce a previous edition of the same work or works may be protected by copyright as a ‘published edition’: Copyright Ordinance (Cap 528) s 10. Copyright in the typographical arrangement of a published edition expires at the end of the period of 25 years from the end of the calendar year in which the edition was first published: s 21. Fair dealing with a work of any description for the purposes of research or private study, or for the purposes of criticism or review does not infringe any copyright in the work or, in the case of a published edition, in the typographical arrangement: ss 38(1), 39(1). The librarian of a specified library may, if the prescribed conditions are complied with, make and supply from a published edition a copy of part of a literary, dramatic or musical work (other than an article in a periodical) without infringing any copyright in the work, in any illustrations accompanying the work or in the typographical arrangement: s 48. See also Copyright; Work.
就版權法而言,指並非純粹重印以往的排印編排或排印的排印編排或某作品的排印。 已發表及並非複印以往相同作品的版本可受版權保障為「已發表版本」:《版權條例》(第528章)第10條。 於某公曆年首次發表的已發表版本的排印編排的版權,在自該年年終起計的25年期間完結時屆滿:第21。為研究或私人研習而公平處理任何類別的作品,或為批評或覆核的目的,不屬侵犯該等作品的任何版權,就已發表版本而言,亦不屬侵犯其排印編排的版權:第38(1)及39(1)條。如訂明條件獲符合,指明圖書館的館長可從文學作品、戲劇作品或音樂作品(但並非期刊內的文章)的已發表版本,製作和供應該等作品的一部分的複製品,而不屬侵犯該作品的版權、附同該作品的任何插圖的版權,或該作品的排印編排的版權:第48條。 另見 Copyright; Work。




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