

单词 Bankruptcy
释义 破產
1. Jurisdiction or proceedings dealing with insolvent persons and not merely to the personal condition of insolvency under or by virtue of the Bankruptcy Ordinance (Cap 6); Re a debtor, ex p Viscount of the Royal Court of Jersey [1980] 2 All ER 665, [1981] Ch 384. 2. The state of the affairs of an individual who has been adjudged a bankrupt. 3. A statutory procedure carried out by the judiciary with the assistance of the Official Receiver or trustees in bankruptcy who takes possession of the property of a bankrupt where such property is realised and subject to certain priorities, distributed rateably amongst the creditors of the bankrupt: Bankruptcy Ordinance (Cap 6). See also Bankrupt; Bankruptcy jurisdiction; Creditor; Criminal bankruptcy; Official Receiver; Trustee in bankruptcy.
1. 處理無償債能力的人的司法管轄權或法律程序,但並非僅處理根據或憑藉《破產條例》而被視為個人無償債能力的情況:Re a debtor,ex p Viscount of the Royal Court of Jersey [1980] 2 All ER 665, [1981] Ch 384。 無償付能力 2.已被法庭判定為破產者的個人事務狀況。 破產手續 3.由司法機關在破產管理署署長或破產受託人協助下進行的法定程序;破產管理署署長或破產受託人管有破產人的財產,安排變賣有關的財產,然後將變賣所得,在符合若干優先次序的規定下,按比率分配與破產者的債權人:《破產條例》(第6章)。另見 Bankrupt; Bankruptcy jurisdiction; Creditor; Criminal bankruptcy; Official Receiver; Trustee in bankruptcy。n.




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