

单词 Co-accused
释义 同案被控人
Persons charged jointly in the one information or indictment with having been involved in the offence charged and who are being tried together in a joint trial. Although they are being tried jointly, the proceeding against each co-accused is a separate trial of the charge so that evidence admissible against one accused is not necessarily admissible against the other, and the jury must give a separate verdict in respect of each. One example is a statement made outside court an accused inculpates a co-accused not made in pursuance of the joint enterprise is not evidence against co-accused: R v To Kai Sui [1980] HKC 112, HKLR 440; R v Lam Chun Sing [1989] 1 HKC 538. Evidence given by one co-accused in court is admissible against the other. Also known as ‘co-defendant’ in proceedings before a judge or magistrate. See also Co-defendant; Joint Indictment; Joint trial.
在某項告發或公訴中一同被控涉及同一控罪同時被交付同一審訊的人。這些人雖然同案被審,但對每個人提出的程序是控罪的分開審訊;指控某人的被接納的證據不一定被接納指控另一人。審判團必須逐個人裁判。舉例說,法庭外被控人的一項聲明指控另一名未有參予同犯罪行的同案被控人,不得用以指控該同案被控人:R v To Kai Sui [1980] HKC 112, HKLR 440; R v Lam Chun Sing [1989] 1 HKC 538。同案被控人在法庭上提供證據可指控另一同案被控人。同案被控人在法官或裁判官席前聆訊的程序中也稱「同案被告」。另見 Co-defendant; Joint Indictment; Joint trial。




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