

单词 Co-agent
释义 共同代理人
In agency law, one of the several persons given authority to act for a principal or co-principals, either jointly, or jointly and severally. A mere authority to act given to one of a number of co-agents, without further specification, is presumed to be a joint authority, and can be acted upon only by the co-agents jointly: Brown v Andrew (1849) 18 LJQB 153. However, an authority given jointly and severally may be acted upon by all or any of the co-agents so as to bind the principal : Guthrie v Armstrong (1822) 5 B & Ald 628, 106 ER 1320. A principal may also appoint co-agents giving power to a quorum to act on the principal’s behalf, with the result that the principal is not bound by the act of any number less than the stipulated quorum: Kirk v Bell (1851) 16 QB 290, 117 ER 890. See also Agency; Agent; Joint and several; Principal.
在代理法中,獲委托人或共同委托人授權共同行事或共同和各別行事的其中一人。如權限只授予共同代理人的其中一人,並無進一步指明一位共同代理人,則該權限須被推定為共同行事權限,即只可被所有共同代理人憑以行事:Brown v Andrew (1849) 18 LJQB 153。共同和各別行事權限則可被所有或任何共同代理人憑以行事,並約束委托人:Guthrie v Armstrong (1822) 5 B & Ald 628, 106 ER 1320。委托人在委任共同代理人時,可訂立共同代理人獲授權行事所需的法定人數,以致委托人不受任何少於指定法定人數的作為約束:Kirk v Bell (1851) 16 QB 290, 117 ER 890。另見 Agency; Agent; Joint and several; Principal。




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