

单词 Person not guilty by reason of insanity
释义 因精神紊亂為理由而判無罪的人
A special verdict returned that an accused person is not guilty by reason of his being under a mental disability or insanity at the time he did the act or made the omission charged against him: Criminal Procedure Ordinance (Cap 221) s 74(1). If on the evidence of two or more registered medical practitioners, two of whom must be psychiatrists, it is considered necessary in the interests or the welfare of the accused person or for the protection of other persons, the court must order that the accused person be admitted to the Correctional Services Department Psychiatric Centre or a mental hospital. Other orders that can be made are for guardianship, supervision and treatment or absolute discharge: s 76(2)(a). The fact that the court makes such an order does not prevent the accused from being tried in respect of the act or omission charged against him should he subsequently cease to be subject to that order or to be under disability: s 76(3)(b). See also Insanity; M’Naghten rules; Person unfit to be tried.
一種特別裁決是任何被控的人被指控所作的行為或不作為時是因他神經有問題或因精神紊亂時,便判為無罪:《刑事訢訟程序條例》(第221章)第74(1)條。如兩個或多於兩個醫學執業者所作的證供中,而其中須有兩個醫學執業者為精神科專家,都認為為了被控人士的利益或福利或為保護其他人士而有需要,法庭須命令被控人士被收納入懲教署精神病治療中心或精神醫院。其他法庭可作的命令有監管和治療令或無條件釋放被控人:第76(2)(a)條。如被控人後來不再受該命令約束或不再是無行為能力,事實的本身並不阻止被控人就所被控告的作為或不作為受審:第76(3)(b)條。另見 Insanity; M’Naghten rules; Person unfit to be tried。




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