

单词 Care and diligence
释义 謹慎及努力
The standard in relation to which an officer of a corporation must exercise his or her powers and carry out his or her duties. The degree of care and diligence is that which a reasonable person in a like position in a corporation would exercise in the corporation’s circumstances. Often it refers to knowledge, skill and attention in applying those abilities: The Bank of East Asia Ltd v Tsien Wui Marble Factory Ltd [2000] 1 HKC 1 (CFA). See also Due diligence; Director; Director’s duties; Standard of care.
公司主管人員行使其權力及執行其職務時必須具有的標準。謹慎及努力的程度是某合理的人在公司相似的職位時及該公司的情況下會行使的謹慎及努力。通常指應用其能力時,所需的知識、技能及注意力:The Bank of East Asia Ltd v Tsien Wui Marble Factory Ltd [2000] 1 HKC 1(終審法院)。另見 Due diligence; Director; Director’s duties; Standard of care。




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