

单词 Legal separation
释义 合法分居
In family law, the act of living separately and apart from one’s spouse. In proceedings for a dissolution of marriage, the court must be satisfied that the parties have been living separately and apart for a continuous period of at least one year immediately preceding the presentation of the divorce petition and the respondent consents to a decree’s being granted: Matrimonial Causes Ordinance (Cap 179) s 11A. The validity of an overseas divorce or legal separation shall be recognised if, at the date of the institution of the proceedings in the country in which it was obtained neither spouse was habitually resident in that country, or either spouse was a national of that country: ss 55, 56(1). See also Decree nisi; Dissolution; Separated.
根據家庭法,指某人與其配偶分開居住。就解除婚姻關係的法律程序而言,法院必須信納婚姻雙方在緊接呈請提出前,已分開居住最少連續1年,且答辯人同意由法院批出判令:《婚姻訴訟條例》(第179章)第11A條。凡任何外地離婚或合法分居,如在獲准離婚或分居的國家提起有關法律程序當日有任何一方配偶慣常居於該國家;或任何一方配偶是該國家的國民的情形,則該項離婚或分居的有效性須予以承認:第55及56 (1)條。另見 Decree nisi; Dissolution; Separated。




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