

单词 Presumption against intestacy
释义 並非未立遺囑而死亡的推定
The presumption that a testator does not intend to die intestate: Re Harrison (1885) 30 Ch D 390. In interpreting a will, if there are two possible meanings of a word or phrase used by the testator, one which leads to an intestacy and one which does not, the court will favour the meaning which avoids an intestacy: Pinney v Marriott (1863) 32 Beav 643. The force of the presumption against intestacy varies according to the context and the circumstances: Hall v Hall [1892] 1 Ch 361 (CA). It applies especially to property which the testator has at the date of the will, but is not so strong as regards property which he has not yet acquired at that date: Re Methuen and Blore’s Contract (1881) 16 Ch D 696. The presumption will not prevail over clear words in the will: Enohin v Wylie (1862) 10 HL Cas 1; Re Wynn (dec’d), Landolt v Wynn [1983] 3 All ER 310, [1984] 1 WLR 237. Also known as ‘Golden Rule’. A testator can be supposed to have intended to make a disposition to an existing rather than a non-existing person, this is an aspect of the law’s presumption against intestacy: Hong Kong Bank Trustee Ltd & Anor v Fu Chui Ying & Ors [1994] 1 HKC 702. See also Interpretation; Intestacy rules.
立遺囑人並沒有意圖未立遺囑而死亡的推定: Re Harrison (1885) 30 Ch D 390。在解釋一份遺囑時,如立遺囑人所用的字或詞有兩個可能意思,其一有未立遺囑而死亡的意思,另一意思則相反,法庭會傾向支持避免有未立遺囑而死亡的意思: Pinney v Marriott (1863) 32 Beav 643。並非未立遺囑而死亡的推定的效力會按照文意和情況有所不同: Hall v Hall [1892] 1 Ch 361 (上訴法庭)。特別適用於立遺囑人在遺囑訂立日期時所擁有的財產,但在遺囑訂立日期時尚未取得的財產則不強烈: Methuen and Blore’s Contract (1881) 16 Ch D 696。有關推定不會凌駕遺囑上清晰的字句: Enohin v Wylie (1862) 10 HL Cas 1; Re Wynn (dec’d), Landolt v Wynn [1983] 3 All ER 310, [1984] 1 WLR 237。也稱為「金科玉律」。立遺囑人可被假設有意圖對現有的人或非現有的人作出產權處置,這是法律並非未立遺囑而死亡的推定的一面:Hong Kong Bank Trustee Ltd & Anor v Fu Chui Ying & Ors [1994] 1 HKC 702。另見 Interpretation; Intestacy rules。




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