

单词 Open contract
释义 未平倉合約
1. A contract that does not seek to modify or exclude the implications attaching by law to a contract of that category. For example, an agreement for the sale of land which merely satisfies the formal requirements of a written memorandum, leaving all other terms to be implied by law: Halsbury’s Laws of Hong Kong, Vol 16, Land [230.0913]. But the court will not imply terms to cause the contract to come into existence: Kwan Siu Man, Joshua v Yaacov Ozer [1999] 1 HKC 150, 1 HKLRD 216 (CFA). Any gaps in an open contract are filled in by the common law by implication of terms, either by reference to necessity or in accordance with the nature of the contract: Halsbury’s Laws of Hong Kong, Vol 16, Land [230.0915]. For example, the law implied that the vendor had an obligation to show and make a good title: Dawson Properties Ltd v Hong Kong Niroku Ltd [1997] 2 HKC 800 (HC); Woomera Co Ltd & Anor v Provident Centre Development Ltd [1984] HKC 298 (HC). 2. In a future market, any contract which has been bought or sold without the transaction having been completed by subsequent sale or purchase, or by making or taking actual delivery of the physical commodity or financial instrument. See also Contract; Contracting out; Formal contract.
1. 指不尋求修改或免除根據法律附加於該類型合約上的含義的合約。例如純粹滿足備忘錄正式規定的土地售賣協議,將所有條款留待法律默示:Halsbury’s Laws of Hong Kong, 第16冊,土地,第[230.0913]段。但法庭不會默示條款以導致合約出現:Kwan Siu Man, Joshua v Yaacov Ozer [1999] 1 HKC 150, 1 HKLRD 216 (終審法院)。未平倉合約中的任何不足由普通法藉默示條款填補,可參考其必要性或根據合約的性質:Halsbury’s Laws of Hong Kong, 第16冊,土地,第[230.0915]段。例如法律默示賣家有顯示及作出妥善所有權的責任:Dawson Properties Ltd v Hong Kong Niroku Ltd [1997] 2 HKC 800 (高等法院); Woomera Co Ltd & Anor v Provident Centre Development Ltd [1984] HKC 298 (高等法院)。  2. 在期貨市場中,指任何在沒有由繼後買賣而完成的交易而進行買賣的合約,或作出或取得實質商品或金融票據的實際交付。另見 Contract; Contracting out; Formal contract。




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