

单词 Presumption of death
释义 推定死亡
1. A legal inference that a person may be presumed dead within a given period where there is no acceptable affirmative evidence that a person was alive at some time during a continuous period of seven years or more, and it can be proved (1) that there are persons who would be likely to have heard of him over that period; (2) that those persons have not heard of him; and (3) that all due inquiries have been made appropriate to the circumstances, without result: Chan Wing Sze v Chau Kin Hung [1983] 1 HKC 518. An applicant for a grant of representation can seek leave from the court to swear the death of a person in whose estate a grant is sought, where there is no direct evidence of his being dead, but only evidence from which his death may be presumed to have taken place: Non-Contentious Probate Rules (Cap 10A) r 52. The presumption does not determine that such person died at any particular time nor that he or she continued living up to the end of the seven years: Re Callicott’s Goods [1899] P 189. The presumption may be raised in succession law to show that a testator, intestate, or beneficiary is dead. 2. In family law, if a party to a marriage has been absent from the petitioner in such circumstances and for such length of time as to provide reasonable grounds for presuming him or her to be dead, then this provides grounds for applying for a dissolution of the marriage: Matrimonial Causes Ordinance (Cap 179) s 26(1). Presumption of death was made out if the respondent had been continually absent from the petitioner for seven years prior to the application, and it was established that the petitioner had no reason to believe that the respondent was alive during that period: s 26(2). Each case must be determined on its own facts: MacDarmaid v A-G [1950] P 218, 1 All ER 497. The District Court or the Court of First Instance only has power to a presumption of death and dissolution of marriage in respect of customary marriages celebrated in accordance with the Marriage Reform Ordinance and registered in accordance with that Ordinance; and monogamous marriages: Marriage Reform Ordinance (Cap 178) ss 9-13; Matrimonial Causes Ordinance (Cap 179) s 9. See also Administration; Benjamin Order; Death; Judicial separation; Petitioner; Probate.
1. 凡沒有可接受的肯定證據以證明某人在連續七年或以上的若干時間在生,則某人可被推定為在一段假定的時間內已死亡的法律推論,並可證明(1) 在該段時間內有可能曾聽過他音訊的人;(2)那些人沒有聽過他的音訊;及(3) 對有關情況已作出適當的研訊,但沒有結果:Chan Wing Sze v Chau Kin Hung [1983] 1 HKC 518。如沒有某人已死亡的直接證據,但只有推定某人已死亡的證據,而有人正就該死者的遺產謀求獲得授予,則申請批予代表的人可向法庭尋求許可,以宣誓的方式證明某人已去世,:《無爭議遺產認證規則》(第10A章)第52條規則。此等推定並不會決定某人在任何特定的時間死亡,亦不會決定某人繼續在生直至七年完結:Re Callicott’s Goods [1899] P 189。可在繼承法提出推定以顯示立遺囑人、無遺囑者或受益人已死亡。  2. 在家庭法,如婚姻的另一方已離開呈請人,而此等情況及時間是可作為合理的理由推定該人已死亡,則可憑藉此等理由申請解除婚姻:《婚姻訴訟條例》 (第179章) 第 26(1)條。如婚姻的另一方在有關申請前已連續離開呈請人7年或以上,而可證明呈請人並無理由相信該另一方在該段期間內仍然在生,則此項事實即作為該另一方經已去世的證據,直至相反證明成立為止:第26(2)條。 必須憑藉每一宗案件本身的事實作出決定:MacDarmaid v A-G [1950] P 218, 1 All ER 497。地方法院或原訟法庭僅有推定死亡的權力,及解除按照《婚姻制度改革條例》(第178章)舉行婚禮並按照該條例登記的舊式婚姻:《婚姻制度改革條例》(第178章)第9至13條;《婚姻訴訟條例》(第179章)第9條。另見 Administration; Benjamin Order; Death; Judicial separation; Petitioner; Probate。




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