

单词 After acquired property
释义 事後取得的財產
Property acquired by, or devolved upon, a bankrupt since the commencement of the bankruptcy. The trustee may by notice in writing claim such after-acquired property for the bankrupt’s estate: Cohen v Mitchell (1890) 25 QBD 262 (CA). However, a notice cannot be served in respect of any property which is acquired by, or devolves upon, the bankrupt after his discharge. The trustee’s title to the property to which the notice relates has relation back to the time at which the property was acquired by, or devolved upon, the bankrupt. The trustee’s claim to the bankrupt’s after acquired property may be defeated when (i) a person acquires property in good faith, for value and without notice of the bankruptcy; (ii) a banker enters into a transaction in good faith and without notice of the bankruptcy. The after acquired property does not include the bankrupt’s income which may be the subject of an income payments order: Bankruptcy Ordinance (Cap 6) s 43A. A bill of sale shall be void in respect of the after acquired property: Bills of Sale Ordinance (Cap 20) s 12. See also Bankrupt; Income of bankrupt.
自破產開始以來破產人取得或獲轉予的財產。受託人可藉書面通知,為破產人的產業申索事後取得的財產:Cohen v Mitchell (1890) 25 QBD 262(英國上訴法院)。任何人不得就破產人在破產解除後取得或獲轉予的任何財產送達通知。該通知所關乎的財產的所有權屬於受託人,追溯至破產人取得或獲轉予該財產的時間。凡任何人以有值代價且在不知悉破產的情況下真誠地取得財產,或任何銀行真誠地且在不知悉破產的情況下進行一項交易,受託人就破產人事後取得的財產所提出的申索,有可能會敗訴。事後取得的財產不包括破產人的收入,且屬收入付款令所標的財產:《破產條例》(第6章)第43A條。一份涉及事後取得的財產的賣據,屬於無效:《賣據條例》(第20章)第12條。另見 Bankrupt; Income of Bankrupt。




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