单词 | Unlawfully at large |
释义 | 不合法地不受管束/非法地不在羈留中 The state of being at liberty when a person is required by law to be in custody or when he has escaped from lawful custody. If a person against whom a recall order is made is at large at the time it is made, he is deemed to be unlawfully at large: Criminal Procedure Ordinance (Cap 221) s 109AC(1). A person is unlawfully at large if he is an escapee from a rehabilitation center; is a person who fails to return to a rehabilitation centre at the expiration of the period for which a permission or leave of absence for whatever purposes has been granted; or is a person who, being the subject of a recall order, fails to return to a rehabilitation centre after having been required to do so by the Commissioner of Correctional Services: Rehabilitation Centres Ordinance (Cap 567) s 2. A person may be required by law to be in custody if a detention order or a recall order is in force. Any police officer who reasonably suspects that a person is unlawfully at large while a detention order or recall order is in force against that person may arrest him without warrant and take him to prison or the appropriate centres: Rehabilitation Centres Ordinance (Cap 567) s 9(1); Detention Centres Ordinance (Cap 239) s 8(1); Drug Addiction Treatment Centres Ordinance (Cap 244) s 7(1). See also Escape; Prisoner. 當某人受法律規定被羈押,或當該人從合法羈押逃脫時,處於不在羈留的狀況。如召回令所針對的人,在召回令作出時不在羈留中,則須當作非法地不在羈留中:《刑事訴訟程序條例》(第221章)第109AC(1)條。非法地不受羈留的人指逃離更生中心的人;在給予的批准的限期或為任何目的給予的外出許可的限期屆滿時未有返回更生中心的人;或屬召回令的標的而在被署長要求返回更生中心後不遵從要求的人:《更生中心條例》(第567章)第2條。若羈留令或召回令正在生效,某人則受法律規定而被羈押。任何警務人員如合理地懷疑針對某人作出的羈留令或召回令正在生效,而該人非法地不受羈留,即可無需手令而逮捕該人並將其帶往監獄或適當的中心:《更生中心條例》(第567章)第9(1)條;《勞教中心條例》(第239章)第8(1)條;《戒毒所條例》(第244章)第7 (1)條。另見 Escape; Prisoner。 |
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