

单词 Unlicensed premises
释义 未領有牌照處所
Premises in respect of which a licence to sell or dispose of liquor is not in force under the relevant licensing legislation: for example Dutiable Commodities (Liquor) Regulations (Cap 109B) reg 25A. If a police officer finds any person drinking intoxicating liquor in any unlicensed premises or place in which such liquor is sold by retail, the police officer may arrest that person: reg 32A(1). See also Licensed premises; Licensee.
根據有關發出牌照的法例而言,其售賣或處置酒類的牌照並未生效的處所:例如《應課稅品(酒類)規例》(第109B章)第25A條規例。如任何警務人員發現任何人在零售令人醺醉的酒類的處所或地方飲用任何該等酒類,則該警務人員可將該人逮捕:第32A(1)條規例。另見 Licensed premises; Licensee。




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