

单词 Official Receiver
释义 破產管理署署長
Any officer appointed by the Chief Executive to discharge the duties having relation both to the conduct of the debtor and to the administration of his estate: Bankruptcy Ordinance (Cap 6) s 76. The Official Receiver, as regards the bankrupt, has the duty (a) to investigate the conduct of the bankrupt and to report to the court, stating whether there is reason to believe that the bankrupt has committed any act which constitutes an indictable offence under the Bankruptcy Ordinance or which would justify the court in refusing, suspending or qualifying an order for his discharge; (b) to conduct the public examination of the bankrupt; (c) to take such part and give such assistance in relation to the prosecution of any fraudulent bankrupt as the Secretary for Justice may direct: s 77. The Official Receiver, as regards the estate of a bankrupt, has the duty (a) pending the appointment of a trustee, to act as interim receiver of the bankrupt's estate, and where a special manager is not appointed, as manager thereof; (b) to raise money in any case where in the interests of the creditors it appears necessary so to do; (c) to preside at the first meeting of creditors if it is summoned; (d) to issue forms of proxy for use at the meetings of creditors; (e) to report to the creditors as to any proposal which the bankrupt may have made with respect to the mode of liquidating his affairs; (f) to advertise the bankruptcy order, the date of the creditors’ first meeting and of the bankrupt's public examination, and such other matters as it may be necessary to advertise; (g) to act as trustee during any vacancy in the office of trustee; (h) to assist the bankrupt in preparing his statement of affairs in case the bankrupt has no solicitor acting for him and is unable properly to prepare it himself, and for this purpose he may employ at the expense of the estate any person or persons to assist in its preparation: s 78. See also Bankruptcy; Trustee in Bankruptcy.
由行政長官委任的高級人員,其職責在於履行破產管理署署長的職責,與債務人的行為操守及債務人產業的管理均有關係:《破產條例》(第6章) 第76條。對於破產人,破產管理署署長的職責如下 (a) 調查破產人的行為操守,並向法院報告,陳述是否有理由相信破產人曾作出構成本條例所訂的可公訴罪行的作為,或曾作出足以令法院拒絕作出或暫時中止破產解除令或就該命令施加約制的作為;(b) 對破產人進行公開訊問; (c) 按律政司司長的指示參與和協助檢控曾作出欺詐行為的破產人:第77條。對於破產人的產業,破產管理署署長的職責如下─ (a) 在委任受託人之前,出任破產人的產業的臨時接管人;如無委任特別經理人,則出任破產人的產業的經理人;(b) 如覺得為債權人的利益而需籌措款項,則籌措款項;(c) 如召集債權人第一次會議,則主持該次會議;(d) 發出委託書表格,以供債權人會議上使用;(e) 就破產人可能已作出的有關結束其事務的方式的建議,向債權人報告;(f) 刊登破產令、債權人第一次會議日期、公開訊問破產人的日期及其他需予刊登的事情;(g) 在受託人職位出現空缺時出任受託人; (h) 如破產人無代表律師,而又不能妥當地自行擬備其資產負債狀況說明書,則協助破產人擬備該說明書,並可為此目的而聘用一名或多於一名人士協助該項擬備工作,所涉及的開支由破產人產業支付:第78條。另見 Bankruptcy; Trustee in Bankruptcy。




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