

单词 Indecent
释义 不雅
Not suitable to be published to a juvenile: Control of Obscene and Indecent Articles Ordinance (Cap 390). To offend against the recognised standards of propriety: R v Stanley [1965] 1 All ER 1035, 2 QB 327 (CCA). ‘Indecent’ is a milder term than ‘obscene’: M’Gowan v Langmuir (1931) SC (J) 10. Indecency includes violence, depravity and repulsiveness: s 2(3). Whether or not an article is indecent involves subjective elements; for example, it may depend on where, and in what circumstances, the article is or may be published, and whether or not there is an honest purpose: Eastern Express Publisher Ltd v The Obscene Articles Tribunal [1995] HKLY 188. Whilst the concepts of obscenity and indecency are abstract, decisions on indecency and obscenity are not in the realm of ‘inexpressible value judgments’: Oriental Daily Publisher Ltd v Cmr for Television and Entertainment Licensing Authority [1998] 2 HKLRD 857 (CFA). Indecency is not confined to sexual indecency: Knuller (Publishing, Printing and Promotions) Ltd v DPP [1972] 2 All ER 898 (HL). There are several statutory sexual offences in relation to indecency, which are: Indecent assault; Indecent conduct towards child under 16 (Crimes Ordinance (Cap 200) s 146); Gross indecency with or by man under 21 (s 118H); Gross indecency by man with male mentally incapacitated person (s 118I); Gross indecency by man with man otherwise than in private (s 118J); Procuring gross indecency by man with man (s 118K). See also Assault; Indecent assault; Sexual assault.
不宜向青少年發布的:《淫褻及不雅物品管制條例》(第390章)。侵犯既定的禮節標準:R v Stanley [1965] 1 All ER 1035, 2 QB 327(刑事上訴法院)。「不雅」所形容的程度較「淫褻」輕微:M’Gowan v Langmuir(1931) SC(J) 10。「不雅」包括暴力、腐化及可厭:第2(3)條。某物品是否不雅的問題涉及主觀元素,例如可視乎有關物品的所在處、有關物品所發布或可發布的情況、以及有關的發布是否具有誠實的目的:Eastern Express Publisher Ltd v The Obscene Articles Tribunal [1995] HKLY 188。儘管淫褻及不雅是抽象的概念,但就淫褻及不雅所作的判決並非在「無法言傳的價值判斷」的範圍內:Oriental Daily Publisher Ltd v Cmr for Television and Entertainment Licensing Authority [1998] 2 HKLRD 857(終審法院)。「不雅」並非限於性不雅:Knuller(Publishing, Printing and Promotions) Ltd v DPP [1972] 2 All ER 898(上議院)。有若干法定性罪行與不雅有關,包括:猥褻侵犯、向年齡在16歲以下的兒童作出的猥褻行為(《刑事罪行條例》(第200章)第146條)、由21歲以下男子作出或與21歲以下男子作出的嚴重猥褻作為(第118H條)、男子與男性精神上無行為能力的人作出的嚴重猥褻作為(第118I條)、男子與男子非私下作出的嚴重猥褻作為(第118J條)、促致男子與男子作出嚴重猥褻作為(第118K條)。Assault; Indecent assault; Sexual assault。adj.




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