

单词 Ferry
释义 渡輪
Any vessel used for a ferry service and ‘ferry service’ means a service provided by means of a vessel, other than a vessel exclusively propelled by oars, for the conveyance by water of passengers, baggage, goods or vehicles, for reward at separate fares between two or more points within the waters of Hong Kong, whether or not such points are varied from time to time and whether or not the service is operated to a fixed timetable: Ferry Services Ordinance (Cap 104) s 2. The provision of ferry service is governed by the Ferry Services Ordinance under which a franchise is granted to a company to operate ferry services. See also Passenger; Vessel.
指用作渡輪服務的任何船隻,而「渡輪服務」指在香港水域內2個或超過2個地點之間,以收取個別船費作為報酬,而藉船隻(全靠槳力推進的船隻除外)提供的運載乘客、行李、貨品或車輛的水上運載服務,不論該等地點是否不時更改,亦不論該項服務是否按固定時間表運作:《渡輪服務條例》(第104章)第2條。會根據《渡輪服務條例》規管的渡輪服務條文向某公司批出專營權以經營渡輪服務。另見 Passenger; Vessel。n.




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