

单词 Carnal knowledge
释义 性交
The physical act of penetration by the penis of the vagina or the anus of a female, but not oral sex: R v Gaston [1981] 73 Cr App Rep 164. In particular in relation to female who, by reason of age or disability, is taken to be legally incapable of giving valid consent. Carnal knowledge is deemed to be the completion of sexual intercourse upon proof of penetration only: Criminal Procedure Ordinance (Cap 221) s 65E. See also Consent; Incest; Rape; Sexual intercourse.
男性陽具插入女性陰部或肛門的身體接觸行為,但並非口交:R v Gaston [1981] 73 Cr App Rep 164。尤其與因年齡或能力關係在法律上無能力給予有效同意的女性有關。單憑證明插入,即性交當作為完成交合:《刑事訴訟程序條例》(第221章)第65E條。另見 Consent; Incest; Rape; Sexual intercourse。




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