

单词 Drunkenness
释义 醉酒
The state when a person’s mind was so affected by alcoholic liquor; intoxication resulting from excessive consumption. However, it is not a defence to show that the accused was affected by alcohol and would not act in the same way had he been sober: DPP v Majewski [1976] 2 All ER 142, [1977] AC 443, 62 Cr App Rep 262 (HL). There were differences between the defence of insanity and drunkenness. For the defence of drunkenness, it was immaterial whether or not the accused knew that what he was doing was wrong: DPP v Beard [1920] All ER Rep 21, AC 479. It was held that if drunkenness was a factor which led to violence over and above necessary to commit rape, it would be an aggravating factor in sentencing: S-J v Lau Yun Leung [1999] 4 HKC 1 (CA). At common law, the accused bears the evidential, though not the legal, burden of raising drunkenness: R v Foote [1964] Crim LR 405 (CCA). See also Habitual drunkard; Intoxication.
Family law - In a case for divorce petition, drunkenness is not, in itself, cruelty, but persistent drunkenness after warnings that such a course of conduct is injuring the other spouse’s health may be cruelty. Also, where a respondent, in a case for divorce petition, is a habitual drunkard, such facts, may without more, be relied on as a ground for a matrimonial order. In property and spousal maintenance applications, a history of drunkenness is relevant where it can be demonstrated to have affected a party’s non-financial contribution to the assets of the marriage. Similarly, the court can also consider the volume of household funds that have been diverted to pay for alcohol. Drunkenness will also impact on an application for a parenting order in relation to a child.
指某人的神志被飲用酒類影響的狀態;因過量飲用而引致的神智不清。但證明被告被受酒精影響,以及如他清醉則不會以相同的方式行事,並不構成免責辯護:DPP v Majewski [1976] 2 All ER 142, [1977] AC 443, 62 Cr App Rep 262 (上議院)。精神紊亂與醉酒的抗辯/辯護之間有不同之處。就醉酒的辯護而言,被告是否知道自己正在作出錯誤行為不具關鍵性;DPP v Beard [1920] All ER Rep 21, AC 479。法庭裁定,如醉酒是引致被告使用超逾強姦所需武力的因素,則在判刑時醉酒會成為加重刑罰的因素:S-J v Lau Yun Leung [1999] 4 HKC 1 (上訴法庭)。在普通法上,被告須就醉酒而負上證據方面的責任(而非法律方面的責任):R v Foote [1964] Crim LR 405(刑事上訴法院)。另見 Habitual drunkard; Intoxication。
家庭法 - 在離婚呈請的案件中,醉酒本身並非殘暴,但被多次警告此等一連串的行為會傷害其配偶的健康後仍經常醉酒,則可屬殘暴作為。此外,在離婚呈請的案件中,如答辯人是慣性酗酒者,則可僅因此等事實而被作為婚姻令的理由依據。就財產及配偶贍養費的申請而言,醉酒的紀錄可用作證明有關的醉酒作為已影響到一方在婚姻資產上的非財政分擔項目。法庭同樣地亦可考慮被用作買酒的家庭儲備的份量。醉酒亦會對有關子女的父母令有所影響。n.




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