

单词 Articles of Agreement of the International Monetary Fund 1945
释义 1945年國際貨幣基金組織協議條款
Terms and conditions drawn up at the United Nations Monetary and Financial Conference, Bretton Woods (New Hampshire), 1-22 July 1944 for creation of the International Monetary Fund. The Articles of Agreement of the international Monetary Fund 1945 came into force generally on 27 December 1945. The Agreement was first amended at Rio de Janeiro in 1968 and entered into force 28 July 1969. In 1976 further amendments were made to the Agreement which came into force on 1 April 1978. Also known as ‘International Monetary Agreement’. The Joint Liaison Group has also agreed that Hong Kong should continue to participate in International Monetary Fund (the agreement reached in 1989) after July 1, 1997. See also International Bank for Reconstruction and Development; International Monetary Fund.
在於1944年7月1日至22日在佈雷頓森林城(新罕布什爾州)舉行的聯合國貨幣金融會議上,就成立國際貨幣基金組織而草擬的條款及條件。1945年國際貨幣基金組織協議條款大致於1945年12月27日生效。1968年,該協議於里約熱內盧首次修訂,並於1969年7月28日生效。1976年,該協議得到進一步修訂,並於1978年4月1日生效。亦稱為『國際貨幣協議』。聯合聯絡小組亦同意香港於1997年7月1日後,繼續參加國際貨幣基金組織(該協議於1989年達成)。另見 International Bank for Reconstruction and Development; International Monetary Fund。




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