

单词 Forged deed
释义 偽造契據
A deed that appears to have been signed or sealed by a person but that has in fact been signed or sealed by another person. A forged deed is a nullity: Fung Kai Sun v Chan Fui Hing & Ors [1946-1972] HKC 69 (PC). However, a person may be estopped from denying the validity of a forged deed where he or she subsequently represents the deed as being his or hers: Greenwood (Pauper) v Martins Bank Ltd [1933] AC 51 (HL). A person is not entitled to withhold from an innocent party to the deed information that the deed is a forgery and when he chooses to do so, he takes the risk that he would later be estopped from asserting that the deed is forged if by reason of his keeping silent that party suffers detriment: Fung Kai Sun v Chan Fui Hing & Ors, supra. See also Forgery; Deed.
表面看似由某人簽署或蓋印、但實際由另一人簽署或蓋印的契據。偽造契據是無效的:Fung Kai Sun v Chan Fui Hing & Ors [1946-1972] HKC69(樞密院)。但凡某人其後聲稱某份偽造契據屬其所有,則該人不得否定該偽造契據的法律效力:Greenwood (Pauper) v Martins Bank Ltd [1933] AC 51(上議院)。任何人並無權利向不知情的一方隱瞞有關該契據屬偽造的資料;凡有人選擇向另一方隱瞞此等資料,因而使該方蒙受損害,則該人會承擔其後不得宣稱該契據屬偽造的風險:Fung Kai Sun v Chan Fui Hing & Ors,見上文。另見 Forgery; Deed。




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