

单词 Continuation
释义 持續
The keeping up, going on with, or maintenance of, an existing position or set of circumstances. In a legal sense, a question of duration, such as a contract entitling an individual to annul increments during the continuation of employment
Companies and Corporations - In company law, the allowance of a corporation to continue its corporate existence under the law of another jurisdiction. By a corporate restructuring, one corporation can constitute the continuation of a predecessor.
Insurance - In marine insurance, a policy clause may provide that the insurance shall continue in effect for a stated period if the voyage is not completed: Marine Insurance Ordinance (Cap 329) s 42. See Continuing act.
公司與法團 - 公司法上,允許法團在其他的法律管轄下繼續存在。通過法團重組,法團能成為其前身的持續體。
保險 -   在海上保險上,保單條款可以規定,如果航程尚未結束,保險應在規定期限內持續有效:《海上保險條例》(第329章)第42條。另見 Continuing act。n.




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