

单词 Admission
释义 承認/進入
1. A confession or acknowledgement. 2. The process of entrance or admission.
Civil law - A party to a cause or matter gives notice, by his pleading or otherwise in writing, that he admits the truth of the whole or any part of the case of any other party: The Rules of the High Court (Cap 4A) O 27 r 1.
Criminal law - A confession or acknowledgement. A previous representation made by a party to a proceeding which is adverse to the interests of that person in the outcome of the proceedings. An admission influenced by threat or violence may not be admissible. Any fact which oral evidence may be given in any criminal proceedings may be admitted for the purpose of those proceedings and the admission by any party of any such fact is, as against that party, to be conclusive evidence in those proceedings of the fact admitted: Criminal Procedure Ordinance (Cap 221) s 65C. Conduct may constitute an admission. The admission by any party of any fact shall as against that party be conclusive evidence in those proceedings of the fact admitted: Criminal Procedure Ordinance (Cap 221) s 65C. See also Agreed fact; Audio recording; Confession.
Legal practitioners - Entry into the legal profession. Admission is a prerequisite to the right to carry out legal work. Authority to admit legal practitioners (barristers and solicitors) is vested in the High Court: Legal Practitioners Ordinance (Cap 159) ss 3 (solicitors), 27, 27A (barristers). See also Barrister; Legal practitioner; Practising certificate; Solicitor.
1.供認或確認。  2.進入或入場的過程。
民法 - 一宗訟案或事宜的某一方,可藉其狀書或以其他書面方式作出通知,表示他承認任何另一方的案的全部或任何部份乃屬真實:《高等法院規則》(第4A章)第27號命令第1條規則。
刑法 -   供認或承認。之前由某一方就某法律程序作出的、對該人在該法律程序結果中的權益不利的陳述。如因威脅或暴力影響而認罪,則不可接納。任何可在刑事法律程序中提出口頭證據證明的事實,可就該等法律程序而言作出承認,而任何一方對任何該等事實的承認,就針對該一方而言,在該等法律程序中須為已獲承認事實的不可推翻的證據:《刑事訴訟程序條例》(第221章)第65C條。行為可構成一項認罪。任何一方對任何該等事實的承認,就針對該一方而言,在該等法律程序中須為已獲承認事實的不可推翻的證據:《刑事訴訟程序條例》(第221章)第65C條。另見 Agreed fact;Audio recording;Confession。
法律執業者 -   從事法律職業的資格。取得認許是開展法律工作的先決條件。認許法律執業者(大律師及律師)之權限歸屬高等法院所有:《法律執業者條例》(第159章)第3條(律師)、第27及27A條(大律師)。另見 Barrister;Legal practitioner;Practising certificate;Solicitor。n.




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