单词 | Breath analysing instrument |
释义 | 呼氣分析儀器 An instrument of a type approved by the Commissioner of Police for analysing the proportion of alcohol in a specimen of a person’s breath: Road Traffic Ordinance (Cap 374) ss 2, 39F(1)(a). For example, Lion Intoximeter 3000 is a breath analysing instrument used in England. It consists of an analyser which measures the alcohol content of the breath by means of an electrical signal; a computer which converts the signal into digital form with a visual display on which the result of the test is shown and a printer on which it can be printed out; and a breath simulator which provides air containing a measured quantity of alcohol so that the police operating the machine could check whether it is calibrating correctly: DPP v McKeown, DPP v Jones [1997] 1 All ER 737, 1 WLR 295 (HL). See also Breath test. 經警務處處長認可的類型的儀器,而該儀器是用作分析任何人呼氣樣本中的酒精比例:《道路交通條例》(第374章)第2、39F(1)(a)條。例如Lion Intoximeter 3000是一種在英國採用的呼氣分析儀器。該儀器包括一部以電子訊號方式測量呼氣中酒精成份的分析機;一部將有關訊號轉化成數字的電腦,並在其顯示器上顯示測試結果;一部可列印結果的印表機;及一部提供含有特定酒精含量空氣的呼氣模擬機,以便警方於操作機器時,可檢查機器是否正準確地測量:DPP v McKeown;DPP v Jones [1997] 1 All ER 737, 1 WLR 295 (上議院)。另見 Breath test。 |
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