

单词 Loss of servitium
释义 勞務喪失/服務喪失
Loss or impairment of the services, duty or labour to be rendered by one person to another. 1. At common law, an employer has no right to recover damages against the wrongdoer in respect of the loss of services which the employer sustains when an employee is injured: A-G for New South Wales v Perpetual Trustee Co (Ltd) & Ors [1955] AC 457, 1 All ER 846 (PC). However, an employer may bring an action for the loss of the services of an apprentice (Hodsoll v Stallebrass (1840) 11 Ad & El 301) but only on the assumption that the person in question lived as a member of the employer's household (A-G for New South Wales v Perpetual Trustee Co (Ltd) & Ors, supra; IRC v Hambrook [1956] 3 All ER 338, 2 QB 641 (CA). 2. A child whose parent is killed as a result of the default of the defendant is entitled to an award of damages representing the loss of services gratuitously rendered by parents: Leung Sing Kiu (Adminstrators of the Estate of Chan Lui Wah, (dec’d)) v Wong Shek Keung & Anor [1989] 1 HKC 206 (HC); Fatal Accidents Ordinance (Cap 22) s 6(1). Likewise, damages for loss of service may be awareded to the dependent husband, who was provided constant care and attention by his wife prior to the accident: Liu Bing & Anor v Yeung Kwok Keung & Anor [1988] 1 HKC 819 (HC). The loss of services is usually calculated by reference to the expense incurred in the costs of employing a housekeeper or other help to provide the services the parent was formerly providing and in providing board and lodging for such housekeeper: Cheng Shiu Ling v Hui Wai Hung [1990] 2 HKC 367. The word ‘services’ should be given a generous interpretation, with the result that the value of such services may be in some measure expanded, except for the statutory sum recoverable in certain specified cases for bereavement: Regan v Williamson [1976] 2 All ER 241, 1 WLR 305. See also Action for loss of services.
導致由一人要向另一人提供的服務、勞力,或由一人要向另一人履行的職責有損失;損害了由一人要向另一人提供的服務、勞力,或損害了由一人要向另一人履行的職責。1.普通法下,僱主沒有權就僱員受傷而引致其遭受的勞務喪失、服務喪失針對侵權人追討損害賠償:A-G for New South Wales v Perpetual Trustee Co (Ltd) & Ors [1955] AC 457, 1 All ER 846 (樞密院)。然而,僱主可就學徒的勞務喪失、服務喪失提起訴訟(Hodsoll v Stallebrass (1840) 11 Ad & El 301),但僅基於有關人士是以僱主的家庭成員身份與僱主一起居住的假設上(A-G for New South Wales v Perpetual Trustee Co (Ltd) & Ors, 見上文; IRC v Hambrook [1956] 3 All ER 338, 2 QB 641(英國上訴法院)。2. 子女的父母因被告人的失責而喪生,子女有權就代表父母所無償提供的勞務、服務的喪失,獲得損害賠償:Leung Sing Kiu (Adminstrators of the Estate of Chan Lui Wah, (dec’d)) v Wong Shek Keung & Anor [1989] 1 HKC 206 (高等法院);《致命意外條例》(第22章)第6(1)條。同樣地,勞務喪失、服務喪失的損害賠償也可判給受養的丈夫,即在意外發生前,不住獲得妻子的護理及照顧者:Liu Bing & Anor v Yeung Kwok Keung & Anor [1988] 1 HKC 819 (高等法院)。勞務喪失、服務喪失的計算通常會參考需要僱用一名管家或其他幫手,以提供父母以前提供的服務,並供給該名管家食住所引起的開支:Cheng Shiu Ling v Hui Wai Hung [1990] 2 HKC 367。「服務」一詞應慷慨的解釋,使該服務的價值,除了在某些指定的喪失親屬之痛案件的法定款額外,在某程度上得以擴大:Regan v Williamson [1976] 2 All ER 241, 1 WLR 305。另見 Action for loss of services。




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