

单词 Suicide clause
释义 自殺條款
A clause in a life policy contract relieving the insurer of all liability in the event that the person insured, whether sane or insane, dies by suicide within the specified period of the commencement or date of reinstatement of the policy: Ellinger & Co v Mutual Life Insurance Co of New York [1905] 1 KB 31 (CA). In any of these cases the onus is as always on the insurers to establish that the conditions of the exceptions clause are fulfilled (Rowett, Leaky & Co v Scottish Provident Institution [1927] 1 Ch 55 (CA)), and if the cause of death is left open the policy is not avoided (Harvey v Ocean Accident and Guarantee Corp [1905] 2 IR 1 (CA)). In the absence of some indication to the contrary, an exception against suicide covers all cases of intentional self-destruction: Rowett, Leaky & Co v Scottish Provident Institution, supra (CA). Hence the exception applies even though the assured was unbalanced or even mentally disordered to a degree provided he knew what he was doing and was capable of appreciating the consequences: Clift v Schwabe (1846) 3 CB 437. On the other hand, if he was incapable of appreciating the nature of his act, his self-destruction is not intentional and the exception does not apply. It is a general principle of insurance law that the insured cannot by his own deliberate act cause the event upon which the insurance money is payable: Beresford v Royal Insurance Co Ltd [1938] AC 586, 2 All ER 602 (HL). However, if the policy expressly included the risk of sane suicide, the above general principle of insurance law cannot be applied: Beresford v Royal Insurance Co Ltd, supra.
在受保人於指明保單開展的期間或恢復的日期內籍自殺去世(無論是否精神錯亂)的情況下,則保險商可免除一切法律責任的人壽保險合約條款:Ellinger & Co v Mutual Life Insurance Co of New York [1905] 1 KB 31(英國上訴法院)。在任何此等案件,保險商總是有責任證明有關的情況符合有關的例外條款的條件(Rowett, Leaky & Co v Scottish Provident Institution [1927] 1 Ch 55 (英國上訴法院)),此外,如未能確定死因,則不會免除有關的保單 (Harvey v Ocean Accident and Guarantee Corp [1905] 2 IR 1 (英國上訴法院)。在沒有若干相反顯示的情況下,針對自殺的例外情況涵蓋一切意圖自我毀滅的案件:Rowett, Leaky & Co v Scottish Provident Institution [1927] 1 Ch 55 (英國上訴法院)。因此,即使受保人失去心理平衡或甚至精神紊亂,但他/她知悉自己作出的行為,並可以了解有關的後果,但有關的例外情況適用:Clift v Schwabe (1846) 3 CB 437。另一方面,如他/她不可以了解自己的行為的性質,則他/她的自我毀滅行為並非蓄意,而有關的例外情況並不適用。保險法的一般原則是,受保人不可憑自己蓄意的行為,導致保險商應賠償保險款項的事情發生:Beresford v Royal Insurance Co Ltd [1938] AC 586, 2 All ER 602(英國上議院)。但如有關的保單明文載有在神智清醒下自殺的風險,則上述的保險法的一般原則不可適用:Beresford v Royal Insurance Co Ltd, 見上文。




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