

单词 Purpose trust
释义 有目的信託
A trust created for a particular purpose rather than a specific person or group of persons. Purpose trust must be established for charitable purposes, otherwise it is void as there is no beneficiary in existence to enforce the trust: Re Recher's Will Trusts [1972] Ch 526. However, if a non-charitable purpose trust satisfies the rule against perpetual trusts, which requires that such a trust must not last beyond the perpetuity period, it will be valid: Perpetuities and Accumulation Ordinance (Cap 257) s 3(1). After 1 July 1997, all charitable trusts provided they were for the benefit of charitable purposes continued to be purpose trusts despite being originally registered as British: HSBC Trustee (Hong Kong) Ltd v S-J [2000] 1 HKLRD 31. An anomalous exception is made for trusts created by will which provide for the establishment and upkeep of tombs and trusts for animal: Re Hooper [1932] 1 Ch 38.
為特定目的而非為一名指定的人或一個指定團體的人而設立的信託。目的信託必須為慈善目的而設立,否則會因為沒有受益人對信託作出強制執行而屬無效:Re Reecher’s Will Trusts [1972] Ch 526。然而,如非慈善目的信託不違反針對恆繼信託不得超逾恆繼期的規則,該非慈善目的信託將會有效:《財產恆繼及收益累積條例》(第257)第3(1)條。自1997年7月1 日後,所有慈善信託只要過去是為惠及慈善目的者,儘管原來在英國註冊,將繼續是慈善信託:HSBC Trustee (Hong Kong) Ltd v S-J [2000] 1 HKLRD 31。但對為維持墳地而設的信託及動物信託,則訂有不規則的例外:Re Hooper [1932] 1 Ch 38.




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