

单词 Teacher
释义 教師
One who teaches, instructs, or imparts knowledge or skill. Teachers may be registered teachers or permitted teachers. A Registered teacher is a person who is registered as a teacher under the Education Ordinance (Cap 279). A permitted teacher is a person, not being a registered teacher, who is permitted to be employed as a teacher in a school in accordance with a permit to teach under the Education Ordinance. It does not include a supervisor who does not impart knowledge but simply supervises or monitors children in their use and understanding of a self-instructional curriculum: Noontil v Auty [1992] 1 VR 365.
教授、指導或傳授知識或技能的人。教師可以是檢定教員或准用教員。檢定教員是根據《教育條例》(第279章)註冊的人。准用教員並非檢定教員,而是獲准予在學校受聘為教師並根據《教育條例》的許可任教的人。教師並不包括監督,監督僅會監控學生使用及理解自學教材課程,而不會教授有關的學生: Noontil v Auty [1992] 1 VR 365。 n.




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