

单词 Income of bankrupt
释义 破產人的入息
Any amount obtained by a bankrupt, which is income according to ordinary usage and concepts. The court may make an income payments order claiming for the bankrupt’s estate so much of the income of the bankrupt during the period for which the order is in force as may be specified in the order: Bankruptcy Ordinance (Cap 6) s 43E(1). The order shall require the bankrupt to pay the trustee an amount equal to so much of that payment as is claimed by the order: s 43E(3)(a). See also Bankrupt.
按照一般慣例及觀念,破產人被視為取得入息的款額,此等款額是所指的入息。法院可作出一項收入付款令,為破產人的產業申索在該命令有效的期間並屬該命令指明款額的該破產人的收入:《破產條例》(第6章)第43E(1)條。該項命令須規定破產人向受託人繳付一筆相等於該命令所申索的款額的款項:第43E(3)(a)條。另見 Bankrupt。




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