

单词 Ex ante
释义 事前/預期
A reference to the anticipated or intended, in contrast with the actual or ex post result. Ex ante savings mean savings as they were intended to be; ex post or actually realised savings may diverge from those expected for a variety of reasons. Ex ante and ex post savings and investments are important in determining changes in the level of national income. See also Ex post facto.
預計的或意圖的項目,與實際的或事後的結果有別。預期的儲蓄指擬所得的儲蓄;事後的儲蓄或實際已賺得的儲蓄可因不同原因而分別從預期中的儲蓄取得。事前和事後的儲蓄及投資對決定國民收入水平的改變是十分重要的。另見 Ex post facto。




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