

单词 Spouse
释义 配偶
Either member of a married couple in relation to the other.
Citizenship and immigration - Genuine husband and wife relationship: Immigration Guidelines for Entry to the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region of the People’s Republic of China, Form ID 939A; Gurung Bhakta Bahadur v Director Of Immigration & Anor (HCAL 1579/2000, unreported). A spouse of a Hong Kong resident or a person whom has the right to land or to stay in Hong Kong: Immigration Guidelines for Entry to the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region of the People’s Republic of China is prima facie entitled to a dependant visa: Form ID 939A. See also Dependency; Husband; Wife; Visa.
Criminal law - 1. A person’s husband or wife. The husband or wife of an accused is competent to give evidence on behalf of the accused or a co-accused and is competent to give evidence for the prosecution: Criminal Procedure Ordinance (Cap 221) s 57(1). The husband or wife of an accused is also compellable to give evidence on behalf of the accused (s 57(2)); and is compellable to: (1) to give evidence for the prosecution but only in respect of any specified offence with which the accused or a co-accused is charged; or (2) to give evidence on behalf of a co-accused but only in respect of any specified offence with which the co-accused is charged (s 57(3)). However, where an accused and the husband or wife of the accused are standing trial together, neither spouse is at the trial competent to give evidence for the prosecution: s 57(5). The husband or wife may at any time apply to the court for an exemption from the obligation to give evidence: s 57A(1). Where an application for an exemption is made to a court under the above provision and the court is satisfied: (1) that, if the husband or wife were to give evidence for the prosecution or on behalf of the co-accused, as the case may be, there would be a substantial risk of: (a) serious harm being caused to the relationship between the husband or wife and the accused; or (b) serious emotional, psychological or economic consequences for the husband or wife; and (2) that, having regard to the nature and gravity of the offence charged and the importance at the trial of the evidence that the husband or wife is in a position to give, there is insufficient justification for exposing the husband or wife to that risk, the court may exempt the husband or wife, wholly or in part, from the obligation to give evidence: s 57A(2)(a), (b). 2. At common law, a husband and wife alone cannot be found guilty of conspiracy because they are, in law, one person: R v Cheung Ka Fai [1995] 2 HKCLR 184, 3 HKC 214 (CA). A husband and wife are guilty of conspiracy if they agree with a third person to commit an offence: R v Lovick [1993] Crim LR 890 (CA). However, the spouse must know that there are other members of the conspiracy other than the other spouse: R v Chrastny (No 1) [1992] 1 All ER 189, 94 Cr App Rep 283 (CA). See also Domestic violence.
Family law - A person’s partner in a marriage. Marriage implies the voluntary union for life of one man and one woman to the exclusion of all others: Marriage Reform Ordinance (Cap 178) s 4. As a result, one’s spouse should be either a husband or a wife depending on that party’s gender. Spouse is defined to include not only the person to whom a person is lawfully married, but also the kit fat or tin fong wife, and in case of lawful polygamous marriage, the principal wife or spouse, or the person whom a person married: Pensions Ordinance (Cap 89) s 2; Surviving Spouses’ and Children’s Pensions Ordinance (Cap 79) s 2; Volunteer and Naval Volunteer Pensions Ordinance (Cap 202) s 2. In some ordinances, the definition widens further to include the person with whom a person is cohabiting: for example Mandatory Provident Fund Schemes Ordinance (Cap 485) s 2; Auxiliary Forces Pay and Allowances Ordinance (Cap 254) s 2. See also Husband; Wife.
Taxation and revenue - The husband or wife of another person: Inland Revenue Ordinance (Cap 112) s 2(1). The Inland Revenue Ordinance (Cap 112) requires the marriage to be either a marriage recognised by the laws of Hong Kong or a marriage entered into outside Hong Kong according to the laws of the place where it was entered into and between persons having the capacity to do so, but excludes marriages between a man and any wife other than the principal wife, in the case of a marriage which is both potentially and actually polygamous: s 2(1). A ‘husband’ is a married man whose marriage is a marriage as defined; and a ‘wife’ is a married woman whose marriage is a marriage as defined: s 2(1). See also Associate; Resident.
公民地位及入境 - 真正的丈夫與妻子關係:《前往中華人民共和國香港特別行政區的入境指引》表ID 939A;Gurung Bhakta Bahadur v Director Of Immigration & Anor (高院憲法及行政訴訟,2000年第1579號,未經彙報)。一名香港居民或一名在香港有入境權或暫住權的人的配偶,表面上有權獲得家屬簽證:表ID939A。另見 Dependency; Husband; Wife; Visa。
刑法 - 1. 一人的丈夫或妻子。被控人的丈夫或妻子有資格為被控人或同案被控人提供證據,亦有資格為控方提供證據:《刑事訴訟程序條例》(第221章)第57(1)條。被控人的丈夫或妻子可予強迫為被控人提供證據 (第57(2)條);及(1)僅就被控人或同案被控人被控告的指明罪行而言,被控人的丈夫或妻子可予強迫為控方提供證據;或(2)僅就同案被控人被控告的指明罪行而言,被控人的丈夫或妻子可予強迫為同案被控人提供證據(第 57(3)條)。但凡被控人與其丈夫或妻子一同受審,則任何一方配偶均沒有資格為控方提供證據:第57(5)條)。 丈夫或妻子可在任何時間申請豁免提供證據責任:第 57A(1)條。凡被控人的丈夫或妻子根據上述條款向法庭申請豁免,而法庭 (1) 信納如該名丈夫或妻子為控方或同案被控人 (視屬何情況而定) 提供證據,即有相當程度的—(a) 對該名丈夫或妻子與被控人的關係造成嚴重損害的風險;或 (b) 對該名丈夫或妻子造成嚴重的情緒、心理或經濟方面的後果的風險;及 (2) 在顧及被控告的罪行的性質及嚴重性,以及該名丈夫或妻子所能夠提供的證據在審訊中的重要性之後,信納並沒有足夠理由讓該名丈夫或妻子承受該風險,則法庭可豁免該名丈夫或妻子,使他或她無須負上提供證據的完全或部分責任:第57A(2)(a)及(b)條。  2. 在普通法,不可僅憑丈夫及妻子的關係被裁斷犯串謀罪,因為他們在法律上是一人:R v Cheung Ka Fai [1995] 2 HKCLR 184, 3 HKC 214 (上訴法庭)。如他們同意與第三方犯罪,則丈夫及妻子犯串謀罪:R v Lovick [1993] Crim LR 890 (英國上訴法院)。但配偶必須知道除另一方配偶外,有其他成員參與串謀:R v Chrastny (No 1) [1992] 1 All ER 189, 94 Cr App Rep 283 (英國上訴法院)。另見 Domestic violence。
家庭法 - 某人的婚姻伴侶。婚姻須意指一男一女自願終身結合,不容他人介入:《婚姻制度改革條例》(第178章) 第4條。因此,一人的配偶應是丈夫或妻子(視乎該人的性別)。 配偶的定義不僅包括與有關人士有合法婚姻關係的人,亦包括結髮或填房妻子,如屬合法的多配偶制婚姻,則包括對丈夫本人有約束力的法律所承認的正妻;:《退休金條例》(第89章) 第2條; 《尚存配偶及子女撫恤金條例》(第79章) 第2條; 《陸軍義勇軍及海軍義勇軍恩恤金條例》(第202章) 第2條。配偶的定義在若干條例進一步包括同與有關人士同居的人:例如《強制性公積金計劃條例》(第485章)第2條;《輔助隊薪酬及津貼條例》(第254章)第2條。另見 Husband; Wife。
稅收及稅務 - 指一人的丈夫或妻子:《稅務條例》(第112章)第2(1)條。《稅務條例》(第112章)規定,婚姻指香港法律承認的任何婚姻,或在香港以外任何地方由兩個有行為能力結婚的人按照當地法律而締結的婚姻,但不包括多配偶制婚姻 或有潛在可能一名男子與其正妻以外的其他妻子之間的婚姻:第2(1)條。「丈夫」是已婚男士,而其婚姻是上文所指的婚姻者;「妻子」是已婚婦女,而其婚姻是上文所指的婚姻者:第2(1)條。另見 Associate; Resident。n.




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