

单词 Provocation
释义 激怒
Acts or words which would cause any reasonable person, and did cause the accused, a sudden and temporary loss of self-control rendering the accused so subject to passion as to make him, for the moment, not the master of his own mind: R v Duffy [1949] 1 All ER 932n (CCA); R v Lap Yip Kie & Yu Kwok Yuen (CACC 367/96, unreported). At common law, where as a result of acts done or things said, the accused is provoked to lose his self-control, and by reason of that loss of self control, kills the deceased, on a charge of murder against the accused, he is liable to be convicted of manslaughter: R v Cunningham [1958] 3 All ER 711, [1959] 1 QB 288 (CCA); Homicide Ordinance (Cap 339) s 4. Characteristics such as the age, gender and race of the accused may be taken into account by the jury: R v Camplin [1978] AC 705, 2 All ER 168 (HL). See also Dangerous dog; Manslaughter.
指會引起任何合理的人突然及短暫地失去控制的行為或說話,而該行為或說話是正正引起被控人突然及短暫地失去控制,並致令他受其情緒影響,程度更達到被控人在受情緒影響期間並非其情緒的主人:R v Duffy [1949] 1 All ER 932n (英國上訴法院); R v Lap Yip Kie & Yu Kwok Yuen(刑事上訴1996年第367號,未經彙報)。在普通法下,凡因作為或說話激怒被控人以致他失去自控,且因為他失去自控而殺死死者,在被控人被控謀殺罪時,他可就誤殺被定罪:R v Cunningham [1958] 3 All ER 711, [1959] 1 QB 288 (英國上訴法院);《殺人罪行條例》(第339章)第4條。陪審團可考慮被控人的特徵如年齡、性別及種族:R v Camplin [1978] AC 705, 2 All ER 168 (上議院)。另見 Dangerous dog; Manslaughter。n.




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