

单词 Standard form contract
释义 標準格式合約
A contract that is not individually negotiated by the parties but is instead drafted by one party who uses a contract containing the same terms for all transactions of that type. Most commonly used in building and construction projects. The drafting party may be in the superior bargaining position and may offer the contract on a ‘take it or leave it’ basis. Standard form contracts are sometimes called ‘contracts of adhesion’ because the party in the inferior bargaining position who wishes to contract must adhere to what is demanded by the party in the superior position, there being no room to negotiate: OTB International Credit Card Ltd v Au Sai Chak Michael [1980] 1 HKC 219 (CA). For example, commercial agreements for the sale of goods are often recorded in standard form contracts such as ‘order forms’ or ‘acknowledgments’ with printed clauses. Standard form contracts may also be drafted by the relevant industry association. Where both parties negotiate on the basis of their standard form contract and the terms of those contracts differ, without evidence that one party’s terms have been accepted by the other, there is no contract: British Steel Corp v Cleveland Bridge and Engineering Co. Ltd. [1984] 1 All ER 504. If the terms of the standard form contract are ambiguous, they are interpreted contra proferentum, selecting the interpretation less favourable to the proposer: Nippon Yusen Kaisha v Acme Shipping Corp [1972] 1 All ER 35, 1 WLR 74 (CA). If the terms are not ambiguous, one party’s signature or similar assent to the other party’s standard form is binding, although the former party misinterpreted, or failed to read, the terms: L’Estrange v F Graucob Ltd. [1934] 2 KB 394. Also known as ‘contracts of adhesion’.
並非由締約方個別地商議而是由一方草擬的合約,該方使用在所有有關類別交易載有相同條款的合約。建築及建造工程最常用此類標準格式合約。草擬的一方可能處於優勢的議價地位,及以「取或不取」的基礎要約有關的合約。標準格式合約有時稱為「附合合約」,因為欲訂立合約而處於劣勢議價地位的一方,須遵照處於優勢議價地位的一方的要求,此類合約沒有商議的空間:OTB International Credit Card Ltd v Au Sai Chak Michael [1980] 1 HKC 219(上訴法庭)。例如售賣貨物的商業協議通常以標準格式合約紀錄,例如印刷式樣的「定單表格」或「確認」。相關的行業機構也可草擬標準格式合約。如雙方根據各自的標準格式合約商議,而有關合約的條款不同,且沒有證據證明一方的條款已被另一方承約,則合約並不存在:British Steel Corp v Cleveland Bridge and Engineering Co. Ltd. [1984] 1 All ER 504。如標準格式合約的條款含糊不清,則以「在解釋合約時提出條款者對該條款不得置疑」的原則釋義,即選擇對建議者較為不利的解釋:Nippon Yusen Kaisha v Acme Shipping Corp [1972] 1 All ER 35, 1 WLR 74 (英國上訴法院)。如有關的條款並不含糊,儘管之前的一方誤解或未能察覺有關的條款,一方的簽名或類似表示同意另一方的標準格式的標記具約束力:L’Estrange v F Graucob Ltd. [1934] 2 KB 394。 另稱「定式合約/附意合約」。




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