

单词 Dismissal
释义 釋放/解僱
The discharging of a person; the order for their departure.
Criminal law - The discharging of a person; the order for their departure. An order made by the court after commencement of procedural steps in criminal proceedings when the court is not satisfied of the guilt of the defendant and dismisses the information before the court: Halsbury’s Laws of Hong Kong, Vol 9, Criminal Law and Procedure [130.828]. Such an order operates as an acquittal of the defendant and is a bar to further proceedings for the same charges. See also Autrefois acquit; Discharge.
Employment - 1. The termination of an employee’s contract of employment by the employer, or the removal of a person from an office. 2. The termination of a person’s employment or partnership by the expiration of any period (including a period expiring by reference to an event or circumstance), not being a termination immediately after which the employment or partnership is renewed on the same terms; or the termination of that person’s employment or partnership by any act of his (including the giving of notice) in circumstances such that he is entitled to terminate it without notice by reason of the conduct of the employer, or the other partners, as the case may be: Sex Discrimination Ordinance (Cap 480) s 2(2). See also Summary dismissal; Wrongful dismissal.
刑法 - 釋放某人;指該人離開的命令。指在刑事訴訟程序的步驟展開後,如有關法庭不信納被告人的罪行,則會在法庭作出撤銷有關告發的命令:Halsbury’s Law of Hong Kong, 第9冊,刑法與刑事訴訟程序,第[130.828]段。此等命令具有裁定被告人無罪釋放的效力,亦禁止就同一控罪作出進一步的法律程序。另見 Autrefois acquit; Discharge。
僱傭 -    1.僱主終止某僱員的僱傭合約,或將某人免職。  2. 在任何期間(包括藉參照某事件或情況而屆滿的期間)屆滿時終止對該人的僱用或終止該人的合夥人身分,而緊接該項終止之後該項僱用或合夥人身分並無以相同的條款獲得再續;或藉該人的作為(包括發出通知)而終止對該人的僱用或終止該人的合夥人身分,而在有關情況下該人是有權由於僱主或其他合夥人(視屬何情況而定)的行徑,無須發出通知而終止該項僱用或合夥人身分:《性別歧視條例》(第480條)第2(2)條。另見 Summary dismissal; Wrongful dismissal。n.




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