

单词 Rights issue
释义 認股權發行
An offer by way of rights to existing holders of securities which enables those holders to subscribe securities in proportion to their existing holdings: Halsbury’s Laws of Hong Kong, Vol 6, Companies and Corporations [95.1579]. A rights issue is a method of raising non-loan finance from its own members, and of bringing equity securities to listing. There is no rule of law that a company must offer shares to its existing members when increasing its share capital: Mutual Life Insurance Co of new York v Rank Organisation Ltd [1985] BCLC 11. In normal circumstances, all rights issues must be fully underwritten: Listing Rules r 7.19(3). If a rights issue is underwritten and the underwriter is entitled to terminate that underwriting upon the occurrence of any event of force majeure after dealings in the rights in nil-paid form have commenced, then the rights issue listing document must contain full disclosure of that fact: r 7.19(2). In every rights issue the issuer may make arrangements to dispose of securities not subscribed by allottees under provisional letters of allotment or their renouncees by means of excess application forms, in which case such securities must be available for subscription by all shareholders and allocated on a fair basis; or dispose of securities not subscribed by allottees under provisional letters of allotment in the market, if possible, for the benefit of the persons to whom they were offered by way of rights: r 7.21(1). Also known as ‘rights offer’. See also Directors’ duties; Prospectus.
以認股權的方式向現有證券持有人要約,可使有關的持有人認購合乎他們現有持有股權比例的證券:Halsbury’s Laws of Hong Kong, 第6冊,公司與法團,第[95.1579]段。認股權發行是從公司本身的成員產生非貸款資本,並可把權益證券上市的方法。沒有法律規定公司在增加股本時,必須向現有成員要約股份:Mutual Life Insurance Co of new York v Rank Organisation Ltd [1985] BCLC 11。在正常的情況下,一切認股權發行必須簽名同意:《上市規則》第7.19(3)條。如認股權發行是簽名同意,包銷者有權在未繳股款表格的認股權交易展開之後,如發生不可抗力的事情,可終止該項包銷,但有關的認股權發行上市文件必須載有該事實的全面披露:第7.19(2)條。在每一認股權發行,發出人可在暫定配股通知書作出安排,處置非獲分配人認購的證券,或以過多申請表格的方法處置其放棄人,在此情況下,必須提供有關的證券予以所有股東認購及以公平的原則分配;或根據市場的暫定配股通知書,處置非獲分配人認購的證券,如可行,使藉認股權獲要約的人受益:第7.21(1)條。另稱「認股權要約」。另見 Directors’ duties; Prospectus。




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