

单词 Unseaworthy
释义 不適航
A ship that is defective in a way that a prudent owner would have required that the defect should be made good before sending the ship to sea, had he known of it: McFadden v Blue Star Line [1905] 1 KB 697. A defect is a characteristic which endangers the safety of the ship or its cargo or which may cause significant damage to the cargo or which renders it legally or practically impossible for the ship to go to sea or unload its cargo. Whether a defect will render a ship unseaworthy is a question of fact: The Arianna [1987] 2 Lloyd’s Rep 376. A defect which can be remedied within a short time will not make the ship unseaworthy: International Packers London Ltd v Ocean Steam Ship Co Ltd [1955] 2 Lloyd’s Rep 218. A carrier is under a duty to make the ship seaworthy: The Hague-Visby Rules art III r 1. If she becomes unseaworthy, the carrier must execute any repairs which may be necessary, provided that he has a reasonable opportunity of doing so without unreasonable delay or expense to the various interests involved: Svendsen v Wallace Bros (1885) 10 App Cas 40, 5 Asp MLC 453 (HL). The shipowner has discharged the onus of showing that he had exercised due diligence to make the ship seaworthy, if the ship was considered seaworthy according to the standard of shipbuilding construction and shipowners’ knowledge at the time in question, even if she may be considered unseaworthy under the current standard of knowledge and technology: The Australia Star (1940) 67 Ll L R 110. See also Cargo; Hull; Offence; Peril of the sea; Seaworthiness; Vessel.
不完備的船舶,致使若審慎的船主知悉該不完備之處,本應會要求在該船舶出海之前就該不完備之處作出補救:McFadden v Blue Star Line [1905] 1 KB 697。不完備之處屬危害船舶或其貨物安全的特徵,或可導致其貨物重大損毀,或致使該船舶實際上不能出海或卸下貨物。不完備之處會否致使船舶不適航,屬事實上的問題:The Arianna [1987] 2 Lloyd’s Rep 376。可於短時間內予以糾正的不完備之處,將不致使該船舶不適航:International Packers London Ltd v Ocean Steam Ship Co Ltd [1955] 2 Lloyd’s Rep 218。承運人有責任致使船舶適航:《海牙-維斯比規則》第III條規則1。若該船舶變成不適航,承運人必須執行任何可能有必要的修理,若他有合理機會於沒有對各利益相關者造成不合理延誤或支出的情況下執行該修理:Svendsen v Wallace Bros (1885) 10 App Cas 40, 5 Asp MLC 453(上議院)。若船舶在所涉及的時候,根據造船技術及船主所知的而曾被視為適航,則該船主已解除舉證責任,證明他已行使應盡的努力致使該船舶適航,縱使該船舶根據現時標準及科技,可能被視為不適航:The Australia Star (1940) 67 Ll L R 110。另見 Cargo; Hull; Offence; Peril of the sea; Seaworthiness; Vessel。adj.




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