

单词 Collateral contract
释义 附屬合約
The creation of a contractual relationship between the parties under circumstances in which it appears no such relationship exists. Generally speaking, a collateral contract emerges from and depends upon, a pre-existing contract; it cannot stand alone and each has its own existence: Heilbut, Symons & Co v Buckleton [1913] AC 30. Collateral contracts, the effect of which is to vary or add to the terms of an existing agreement, must be strictly proved: Bank of India v Surtam Murlidhar Parmanand (t/a Ajanta Trading Corp [1994] 1 AC 7 (CA). A statement made by one person to another and upon the strength of which, one party enters into a contractual relationship, may give rise to an entirely separate contract ‘collateral’ to the main contract made between the marker of the statement and the person to whom the statement was made: Morgan v Griffith (1871) LR 6 Exch 70. See also Consideration; Parol evidence rule.
締結合約人之間,訂立了本來在雙方之間並沒有的合約關係。一般來說,附屬合約產生於或取決於先前所存在的合約;附屬合約不能單獨存在, 但有自己本身的實體:Heilbut, Symons & Co v Buckleton [1913] AC 30。附屬合約的作用是更改或增補現有合約的條款,因此必須予以嚴格證明:Bank of India v Surtam Murlidhar Parmanand (t/a Ajanta Trading Corp [1994] 1 AC 7(英國上訴法院)。倘某人對另一人作出陳述後,該人隨即以該陳述作依據,並締結合約關係,則該陳述便可構成另一完全獨立合約,附屬於作出陳述者與陳述對象兩者之間所締結之主體合約:Morgan v Griffith (1871) LR 6 Exch 70 另見 Consideration; Parol evidence rule。




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