

单词 Reasonable and probable cause
释义 合理而可能之原因

An honest belief in the guilt of the accused based on a full conviction, founded upon reasonable grounds, of the existence of a state of circumstances which, assuming them to be true, would reasonably lead any ordinarily prudent and cautious man, placed in the position of an accuser, to the conclusion that the person charged was probably guilty of the crime imputed: Herniman v Smith [1938] AC 305, 1 All ER 1 (HL). In general, when the accused was in fact innocent, belief in his guilt is essential to the existence of reasonable and probable cause: Leibo v Buckman Ltd [1952] 2 All ER 1057 (CA). Such belief must at the date of the prosecution be based on grounds which, or some of which, are reasonable (Wershof v Cmr of Police for the Metropolitan [1978] 3 All ER 540), and arrived at after due inquiry (Brown v Hawkes [1891] 2 QB 718 (CA)). This must be determined by the prosecution as a question of fact and not of law: Herniman v Smith, supra. However, it is for the judge and not the jury, when there is a trial by a jury, to decide on the relevant facts whether there is reasonable and probable cause: Leibo v Buckman Ltd, supra. If the facts are not admitted or are disputed, it is the province of the jury to find for the judge what are the relevant facts known to the prosecutor before he made the charge, including the inferences to be drawn from them: Green v De Havilland (1968) 112 Sol Jo 766.
基於以合理理由裁斷的完全信服,真誠地相信被告的罪行。如假設某一情況的存在真確,會合理地引致一般審慎及小心的人,如處於控告人的位置,會作出被檢控的人可能有罪的結論 : Herniman v Smith [1938] AC 305, 1 All ER 1 (上議院)。概括而言,如被告事實上是清白,相信他有罪對合理和可能之原因的存在重要:Leibo v DBuckman Ltd [1952] 2 All ER 1057 (英國上訴法院)。必須在檢控的日期基於合理或若干合理的理由相信(Wershof v Metropolitan Police Cmr [1978] 3 All ER 540),及在適當的研訊後達致 (Brown v Hawkes [1891] 2 QB 718 (英國上訴法院)) 。必須由控方以事實而非法律的問題裁斷合理和可能之原因:Herniman v Smith,見上文。但在有陪審團參與的審判,會由法官而非陪審團決定有關的事實是否有合理和可能之原因:Leibo v DBuckman Ltd,見上文。如事實不獲接納或受爭議,陪審團有責任為法官裁斷甚麼是控方在作出檢控前已知的有關事實,包括由他們作出的推論:Green v De Havilland (1968) 112 Sol Jo 766。





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