

单词 Tax loss
释义 稅項虧損
The excess of allowable deductions over the sum of assessable income for a taxpayer for a year of assessment, which can generally be carried forward and set off against the taxpayer’s assessable income in subsequent years of assessment: Inland Revenue Ordinance (Cap 112) s 12A. See also Allowable deduction, Assessable income; Loss.
指在任何課稅年度內,可從某納稅人的應評稅入息中扣除的支出、開支及免稅額的總和,而該總和超出該人的應評稅入息額;則該超出款額一般可結轉入以後的各課稅年度,並用以抵銷該人在該等年度的應評稅入息:《稅務條例》(第112章)第12A條。另見 Allowable deduction, Assessable income; Loss。




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