

单词 Debt collecting
释义 債務清收
Taking steps to procure payment of debts due. Rules set out for authorised institutions to engage third party agencies to collect debts: Code of Banking Practice, Chapter 5. Authorised institutions should not engage more than one debt collection agency to pursue the same debt in one jurisdiction at the same time (art 38.6). Authorised institutions should enter into a formal contractual relationship with their debt collection agencies (art 36.1). The debt collection agencies must not resort to intimidation or violence, either verbal or physical, against any person in their debt recovery actions (art 36.2). Authorised institutions should remain accountable to customers for any complaints arising out of debt collection by third party agencies and should not disclaim responsibility for misconduct on the part of the debt collection agencies (art 36.3). See also Debt.
採取若干步驟收取到期應付的債務。列明認可機構聘用第三方代理機構托收債務的規則 :《銀行運營守則》第五章。認可機構不得於同一時間在同一司法管轄區內聘用超過一間收數公司來托收同一項債務:第38.6條。認可機構與其聘用的收數公司應訂立正式的合約關係:第36.1條。收數公司在其追討債務的行動中,不得對任何人使用口頭或身體上的恐嚇或暴力。(第36.2條)。認可機構仍然應為其客戶就第三方代理機構的債務托收行為而提出的投訴負責,而不應因收數公司一方的不當行為而卸棄責任(第36.3條)。另見 Debt。




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