

单词 Employees' compensation
释义 工人的補償
A statutory system of compensation for work-related injuries. Under the Employees' Compensation Ordinance (Cap 282), statutory compensation is available to employees who have suffered from an injury that is work related. It includes, for example, the expenses of the funeral and medical attendance, medical expenses, the cost of the supplying and fitting of a prosthesis or surgical appliance, and the probable cost of repair and renewal: Employees’ Compensation Ordinance (Cap 282) s 3(1). Employees should not claim for the same injury both at common law and under statute: Lau Kwok-keung v Evergo Electric Manufacturing Co Ltd [1989] HKDCLR 40 (DC). The statute specifies amounts of compensation payable according to the nature or consequences of the injury: Employees’ Compensation Ordinance (Cap 282) sch 6. See also Award; Course of employment; Partial incapacity; Sick leave; Total incapacity.
就工作有關的傷害而設立的法定賠償制度。在《僱員賠償條例》(第282章) 下,僱員可就因工作而蒙受的傷害,追討法定的損害補償。例如包括殯殮費和醫護費;醫療費;供應及裝配義製人體器官或外科器官須付的費用;與維修及更換而頗有可能支付的費用:《僱員補償條例》(第282章) 第3(1)條。僱員不應就同一項傷害在普通法和成文法下申索賠償: Lau Kwok-keung v Evergo Electric Manufacturing Co Ltd [1989] HKDCLR 40(區域法院)。法規指明根據有關傷害的性質或後果而應繳付的款額:《僱員補償條例第》(第282章) 附表6。另見 Award; Course of employment; Partial incapacity; Sick leave; Total incapacity。




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