

单词 Employer's duty of care
释义 僱主的謹慎責任
In negligence, the duty of care owed by an employer to its employees. The employer’s duty of care is established by reference to the master and servant relationship. The obligation is threefold, the provision of a competent staff of men, adequate material and a proper system and effective supervision: Wilson & Clyde Coal Co v English [1937] 3 All ER 628, [1938] AC 57 (HL); Wong Wai Ming v Hospital Authority [2000] 4 HKC 330; Wong Kit Chun v Wishing Long Hong [2000] 4 HKC 748 (CA). See also Duty of care; Employee; Employer; Employer’s liability; Negligence; Non-delegable duty; Employees’ compensation.
就疏忽而言,指僱主對僱員所負的謹慎責任。僱主的謹慎責任是基於僱主與受僱人的關係上而確立的。此等責任有三部分,包括提供合資格的員工、充足的物料以及適當的系統和有效的監管:Wilson & Clyde Coal Co v English [1937] 3 All ER 628,[1938] AC 57(上議院);Wong Wai Ming v Hospital Authority [2000] 4 HKC 330;Wong Kit Chun v Wishing Long Hong [2000] 4 HKC 748(上訴法庭)。另見 Duty of care; Employee; Employer; Employer’s liability; Negligence; Non-delegable duty; Employees’ compensation。




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